Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Birds ( Hitchcock, 1963 ) And Psycho - 1672 Words

The classic films The Birds (Hitchcock, 1963) and Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960) were both masterpieces. The color film is based around women named Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) and Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor). Melanie who is a young woman known for racy behavior that plays pranks on others whose father owns a newspaper. Mitch is a lawyer that helps takes care of his mother and sister. While the Birds is based on a short story by Daphne Maurier; it is about Birds that become hostile to the human race. While Psycho is based on two people named Marion Crane and Norman Bates. Marion Crane who worked in a real estate office stole money from her job and wanted to start a new life with her lover Sam Loomis. Norman Bate was the owner-manager of the†¦show more content†¦When the film first started I thought Marian would be the psychopath. Because she is in love with a man that has to a lot of debts and an ex-wife, she can’t have the perfect life. I thought she would go off and kill the ex-wife just too free Sam of stress and put an end of alimony. I was concerned on her mental stability because of the music. While Norman and Marion Sit in the office of the Bates Motel, the scene is intricately set up to create a feeling of eeriness merged with awkwardness. The room confined with the lamp table, coffee table, two rustic chairs and chest. The lamp on the table is the only key lighting in the room for the scene. Marion unlike Norman sat near the light showing her warmth and radiance like the light colored clothing she wears. Norman is sittings more in the dark parts of the room making him seen more sinister by the dark coloring of his clothing. He has a weird passion of stuffing animals also shows his dark personality. The dead eyes of the feathered creatures seem to gaze at Bates and Marian as they share a feast and discussion. This may or might be a reference to voyeurism and it shows a realistic picture of death. 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